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Women lead differently

Men do too

Recent scientific studies confirm what I have personally experienced in more than 20 years in leadership positions: for good leadership, your gender does not matter. Ultimately, a successful management team is simply about a mix of different people with different qualifications, personalities and perspectives. Nevertheless, leadership can be a very different experience for women than for their male colleagues. This is not good. Especially for women who are unable to unleash their full leadership potential.


Women lead differently

Men do too



Issues that you might be concerned about as a woman in a leadership position

* You want to move on to the next step in your career and are wondering how to approach this strategically and communicatively in your organisation

* You would like an experienced female intellectual sparring partner to help you reflect and develop professionally. You are looking for a woman who has a lot of experience in management. But so far you have not found an appropriately qualified coach.

* You feel as if you are the outsider in a management team who has to deal with a lot of headwind.

Or are there other issues that concern you as a female manager? Let’s talk about it.


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